Abused, abandoned, frightened, hungry and grieving - precious boys and girls need loving care and a safe place to call home.
Lift A Child Today


  • Build efficient wood stoves to save fuel and provide clean air
  • Build homes for those who live in abject poverty
  • Provide water filters to combat disease
  • Assist with a medical mission team
  • Participate in a sports camp or Vacation Bible School
  • Work on many other projects that fill a critical need


  • Water filters provide safe drinking water for up to two years for only $55.
  • A simple water filter can restore a families health reducing illness and infections by 50%.
  • Cookstoves provide clean air for families for only $250.
  • Most families cook over open fires in one-room shacks. Constant smoke-inhalation from poor ventilation puts families—especially women and children—at risk for pneumonia, emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis, and heart disease.
Short Term Mission Trips are Scheduling Now

For more information click the link below:

Short Term Mission Trips Information

Download Below

1. Click the link to download the Tithe.ly Church App


2. Select Child Beyond International

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