Cement floors in houses changes lives

Sadly, 50% of Guatemalans, mostly rural indigenous, live in inadequate housing. Between a million and a million-and-a-half live in homes of cornstalks or scavenged materials.

Replacing dirt floor with cement results in – according to the Center of Evaluation for Global Action (CEGA) – 13% less diarrhea, a 20% reduction in anemia, scores 30% higher on language and communication skills for toddlers, and improvement of 9% on vocabulary. These improvements are due to fewer parasites in homes with cement floors.


We are able to construct wood houses for needy families for approximately $4,160.00. The houses have two rooms. In addition, families are provided 2 twin beds and basic household items. Teams of 4-8 people with little or no construction skills will complete the home in 3-4 days.

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