These orphans and wards of the state have experienced incredible trauma:
Abandoned by mothers unable to take care of them
Neglected by parents caught in addiction
Orphaned by violence or disease
Abused by adults who should have cared for them
The plight of these vulnerable children is heartbreaking.
But your support can lift them beyond trauma to LIFE!
Child Beyond is strategically positioned to help infants and preschool children in their crucial first 1,000 days of life when they begin to understand their world:
Is the world a safe place?
Can I trust people?
Will my needs be met?
Am I loved?
If the answer is “no,” a young child is reduced to “survival mode.” They may withdraw or act out in anger. They may have trouble bonding with or trusting people. They will not mature emotionally beyond their point of trauma. They will likely repeat the cycle of abuse, addiction, and heartache as adults.